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Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Dear Departed

When I saw her for the first time,
The very first time to thee...
Then my heart started to chime,
And said that your girl is she!!!

Walking on her way , she looked like an angel,
So bright she looked, that i could see none;
Basket with roses in a hand, and left other free,
My heart confirmed - She's the ONE!!!

In that lovely dress, she looked fabulous,
With the hair waving on her cheek,
Moving those back with her fingers,
Gave a smile, which made my heart weak...

I felt how nice, if she moved to me,
As the shore felt, when waves come to thy,
But I didn't remember, that even waves part with the shore,
The very thought just made my heart cry..

When she began to go away from me,
Felt like my soul followed her..
There i sat unmoved as a stone - lifeless,
And my heart with her thoughts flying in ether.....

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