
Any new admirable thought, feel free to pen down to me at
This blog is a mere collection of poems... anyone who is interested in such a kinda activity can put a post over here... so Happy Blogging.. :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

To My Friends

If I had to pick but one thing

To take across the sea

I think I'd pick a good friend

To go along with me

A friend is more precious

Than any material thing

She can make you feel complete

And get your soul to sing

And when that friend and I
Set sail across that sea
We'll fear no squawl nor storm
Together strong we'll be

A friend is more grounding

Than an anchor or a rope

She can make you safe, secure

And fill your heart with hope

When I've crossed that sprawling sea
And stepped out on new land
I will not be a stranger there
I'll have my friend in hand

A friend is more rewarding

Than the treasures of that sea

She can give you wealth through love

Your spirit rich and free

If I had to pick but one thing
To take across the sea
I know I'd pick a good friend
To go along with me
Across the sea of friends


above poem may be just a combination of few lines to put it in the form of a verse.. or it may be the image of the thoughts sleepin deep inside my heart.. whateva it may be.. i had very good friends nd also had an experience of loosin my best pals.. so thot to pen down something about'em.. so.. this one dedicated to all my pals... and especially for a gal.. who has been very important in my life....

The Dear Departed

When I saw her for the first time,
The very first time to thee...
Then my heart started to chime,
And said that your girl is she!!!

Walking on her way , she looked like an angel,
So bright she looked, that i could see none;
Basket with roses in a hand, and left other free,
My heart confirmed - She's the ONE!!!

In that lovely dress, she looked fabulous,
With the hair waving on her cheek,
Moving those back with her fingers,
Gave a smile, which made my heart weak...

I felt how nice, if she moved to me,
As the shore felt, when waves come to thy,
But I didn't remember, that even waves part with the shore,
The very thought just made my heart cry..

When she began to go away from me,
Felt like my soul followed her..
There i sat unmoved as a stone - lifeless,
And my heart with her thoughts flying in ether.....

My Friend

I was sitting here thinking
Of the words I want to say,
But they just wouldn't come out right
So I found a different way

I got a piece of paper
And I wrote this verse for you,
But there's no way to thank you
For everything you do

For always being nice to me
And staying by my side,
For helping fix my problems
And never leaving me behind

For accepting my thoughts and feelings,
Though you do not understand,
For never giving up on me
And being 1 of my best friend

The way you take care of me,
You're my shining star
And though it's so incredible
That's just the way you are

Before I get too mushy
It's time for me to go,
But before I leave this ink-filled page
There's one thing you should know

As long as we are living,
No matter when or where,
If you ever need me
Just think abt me and I'll be there...:)